Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Welcome to my blog - An Angry Photographer


 I am a photographer. An actual photographer. 

I'm not like your "friend" who takes pictures and posts them on facebook.  Not like that colleague at work who hates his job and is shooting part time till it "picks up". Not that significant other who wants to shoot weddings on weekends to help  pay for the little extras in life. I'm not an instagram photographer... or  that kid who convinced his parents to drop 1k on  digital camera because they want to be a photographer.


I am a Professional Photographer in the truest sense.

That means I pay my mortgage by taking photographs.

I don't have any other job other than taking pictures. I make a very good living doing this... I have been doing this for 15 years... I shoot for Magazines, Advertising Agencies and Direct to Client jobs. I have shot several famous people, traveled the world and shot major campaigns for huge companies ... But shamelessly I have also shot countless weddings, several special events even the lowly boudoir photo sessions.

 In short. I'm a hustler who will take photos of pretty much anything (no porn) if you pay me.

I'm really not an angry person... but doing this shit for 15 years alot of shit really builds up... This blog is my platform. It's to vent to the world the shit I can't say publicly..... The shit that's honest and truthful could burn me hard if I ever said it out loud or on my website. So I have chosen to be a coward and hide behind the anonymity of the Internet. I'm like most people who have a successful career and still need a platform to vent. Some spend thousands of dollars on therapists... other beat the shit our of a punching bag, some people (assholes) take it out on their families... me I choose to write about it.

If you want to hear about the real truths about the professional world of photography....  understand the frustrations and challenges pros feel and experience day to day then  follow my blog. However if you want to read a blog about how the world of photography is rose colored,  filled with daily creativity and inspiration then its best move on... perhaps follow one those guys who hustles on weekends teaching photography "courses"

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